Buri Buri Elementary School
About » Buri Buri » Policies


Parents/guardians must contact the school office whenever their child is absent.
Call the 24-hour attendance hotline at 650-877-8776 x3003 or e-mail wcontreras[at]ssfusd.org with the following information:
  • Caller’s name and relationship to absent student
  • Student’s full name
  • Spelling of student's last name
  • Room number
  • Date(s) of absence
  • Reason(s) for absence
  • Caller's phone number

Excusable absences include: 


  • Illness
  • Medical/dental appointment
  • Death or funeral of immediate family member.
Students who have accumulated more than ten (10) days of medical excuses, must provide a doctor’s note for the next absence.

Parents/guardians may clear excused absences by providing the school office with a signed note within 72 hours of the absence that includes the current date, student’s name, and exact days he/she was absent.

Studies show that there is a direct correlation between attendance rates, health, and student achievement. Some of the negative impacts of spotty attendance include:
  • Students must work twice as hard the next day to catch up on missed instruction and missed assignments including homework. 

  • Teachers lose class time by having to repeat lessons for students who were absent. 

  • Schools lose funding from the State of California when students are absent from school. This includes all absences, even those related to illness, medical, or dental appointments.
  • A loss of funding can lead to the loss of programs such as music, technology, summer school, etc.
Chronic absence in kindergarten is also associated with lower academic performance in first grade among all children and may predict lower levels of educational achievement by the end of fifth grade.
Help your child achieve consistent attendance by:


  • Creating a contract with your child;

  • Discussing problems your child may have at school and informing teachers about anything serious;

  • Reinforcing the importance of punctuality;

  • Setting regular bedtime schedules;

  • Incorporating regular exercise in your child's daily activities.

Be Your Bobcat Best in the BathroomBe Safe
  • Wash your hands with soap and water.

  • Keep floor and walls clean and dry.
Be Caring
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

  • Give people privacy.
Be Respectful
  • Use your inside voice.

  • Wait your turn quietly and politely.
Be Responsible
  • Flush the toilet after use.

  • Throw paper towels in the garbage.

  • Use the bathroom and exit when done.
Students who have received three (3) or more office behavior referrals will be referred to the Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) system.
Identified students will receive effective behavior interventions, and their parents/guardians will also receive support via the RTI2/PBIS framework as measured by student and staff surveys.
Our schoolwide discipline goal is to reduce the percentage of students referred for office discipline or suspended for violation of Ed Codes 48900.
Be Your Bobcat Best in the CafeteriaBe Safe
  • Walk

  • Stay seated.

  • Ask for permission to leave the table.

  • Eat your own food.
Be Caring
  • Say "please" and "thank you".

  • Take extra trash to the garbage.
Be Respectful
  • Use your indoor voices.

  • Listen to adults.
Be Responsible
  • Put all trash in the garbage.

  • Raise your hand if you need something.
Be Your Bobcat Best in the HallwayBe Safe
  • Walk.
Be Caring
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Be Respectful
  • Use your inside voice.

  • Keep the water in the water fountains.
Be Responsible
  • Put your trash in the garbage.
The health and welfare of our students and staff are a top priority. Please observe the following guidelines to help maintain your health and that of your child:
  • Teach children to wash their hands properly, especially after using the restroom, and frequently throughout the day.

  • Provide healthy, nutritious food and a good breakfast everyday. Reduce the consumption of soda and foods with processed sugar, while increasing daily intake of fruits and vegetables.

  • Designate regular and consistent bedtimes for children, so they can receive 8 hours of sleep each night.

  • Cough into the elbow to reduce the spread of germs.
Be Your Bobcat Best in the PlaygroundBe Safe
  • Walk

  • Stay on the sidewalk.

  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself.

  • Use playground equipment properly.
Be Caring
  • Listen to adults.

  • Wait your turn.
Be Respectful
  • Use "I" messages.

  • Help each other.

  • Apologize when you do something wrong.
Be Responsible
  • Listen to instructions.

  • Follow instructions quickly.

  • Stay in the playground area.

  • Return playground equipment to their proper place.
 Regular attendance and being on time is closely related to achievement and success at school.
The cafeteria opens at 8:00 AM for breakfast, and school starts at 8:20 AM.
Students should come to school on time each day.
Because school attendance is compulsory under state law, parents/ guardians must ensure that their child attends school on time.
Be Your Bobcat Best in the School OfficeBe Safe
  • Walk

Be Caring
  • Say "hello", "please", "thank you", and "goodbye".

  • Keep your feet on the floor when sitting down.
Be Respectful
  • Use your indoor voices.

  • Wait until you are greeted to ask for help.
  • Remove hats and hoodies when indoors.
Be Responsible
  • Return any items you borrow.
  • Tell the office staff why you are here.
Please observe the following guidelines when picking up and dropping off students at Buri Buri:

  • Students may enter campus beginning at 8:10 AM.
  • Parents may arrive before 8:10 AM to avoid traffic.
  • Students may not enter school buildings until 8:15 AM.
  • Classes begin promptly at 8:20 AM
  • Please do not allow your student on the play structure before or after school.
Approach the drop-off / pick-up lane on Del Monte from Nyla
  • Right turn only into the drop-off / pick-up lane
  • No parking allowed in the drop-off / pick-up lane.
  • Pull as far forward to the multi-purpose room as possible.
  • Students should exit the car on the right (curb) side.
  • Pedestrians should stay on the sidewalk.
  • Check carefully before exiting to the left. 
  • Exit towards El Campo.
Students may be picked up early during school hours for emergency appointments only. Parents/guardians must notify the school office no later than 24 hours after the emergency appointment.
To minimize learning loss, parents should refrain from making appointments for their children during school hours, and students should attend classes up until the time they need to leave for their appointment.
All persons picking up students early from school must provide appropriate photo identification when signing students out at the school office.
School staff will review the student’s emergency card information to confirm that the person is authorized to pick up the student.
The student will not be authorized to leave school, if the person is not listed on the student's emergency card.
Cars not allowed in Parking lot until 2:35 when picking up students in grades 1-5.

  • Never double park on Del Monte or stop to let out passengers.
  • Never block a neighbor's driveway.
  • Follow all traffic laws; do not make illegal U-turns.
  • When walking, always use crosswalks to cross the street and have your children do the same.
Tardy students must obtain a tardy slip from the school office before entering class. 
The school will initiate a discussion with parents/guardians in the event of a student's excessive tardiness.
Three (3) tardies of 30 minutes or more may result in referral to the district's attendance and welfare office. 
First Notification Letter
To be classified as a truant, a student must have had three (3) unexcused absences or three (3) tardies of 30 minutes or more. Education Code Section 48260.5 requires that the parent/guardian be notified by a letter informing them of what can occur if their child fails to attend school.
Second Notification Letter and Truancy Meeting
In the event of continued attendance issues, the school will generate a second letter that includes a time and date for a meeting with the school principal.

Students who have been identified as truant (5 or more unexcused absences and/or 10 tardies) will be presented with an attendance contract or attendance improvement plan.


Regular truancy meetings will be held with students and their parents/guardians to improve the student's attendance rate. Our schoolwide average daily attendance (ADA) goal is 98%. 


Third Notification Letter and School Attendance and Review Board (SARB)
In the event of continued attendance issues, the student child will be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB). 
Be Your Bobcat Best in the HallwayBe Safe
  • Walk.
Be Caring
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Be Respectful
  • Use your inside voice.

  • Keep the water in the water fountains.
Be Responsible
  • Put your trash in the garbage.